
The sacraments of the church serve as outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, giving us the chance to share moments of profound joy as well as sorrow with the community of faith, the Church, which is called to be the Body of Christ. If you seek to explore any of the sacraments listed below, please contact the Rev. Nadia Stefko, Rector.

Holy Baptism

Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church.  At Baptism, we are "marked as Christ's own, forever." Baptism takes place within the Eucharist as the chief service on a Sunday or other feast, so that the whole community can be present and participate in the celebration of a new member's initiation into the life of faith.

Holy Eucharist

We welcome everybody to receive the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist - the bread and the wine blessed at our altar by the Holy Spirit and the prayers of those who gather. 

We welcome everybody to participate in the life of the community - and that shared life has a great deal to do with tables as well.  Our primary outreach ministries involve feeding people who are hungry.  Our rich life of shared fellowship with one another involves making great food, and sharing it.  All those things intertwine, making this life we share quite a sacred feast, indeed. 

So join us.  Come to the table.  Be fed here.  And join us again, as we turn to help feed others.


We invite people, when they are ready, to be confirmed in the faith of the Episcopal Church.  This is a chance for confirmands to make a public affirmation of their faith, committing to the promises of their Baptism with the laying on of hands by the Bishop.


We welcome you to talk with us about your hopes for the future with the person you love. We look forward to working with you as you prepare to celebrate and make this solemn and public covenant in the presence of your beloved family, friends and God.


Please contact the Church when a member of St. Augustine's is gravely ill or has died. A clergy member will offer Ministration at Time of Death, commonly known as Last Rites. Clergy will work with families and beloved friends to minister in times of grief and to prepare a service that will honor the life and memory of your loved one.

The office maintains records of funeral planning done in advance.  We encourage members to make these plans during times of health so that family and friends know your wishes upon your death.