Worship Ministries

Liturgical ministers help us to offer our gifts to God in worship.  Join us by serving in one of the roles listed below.  

Lectors read scripture passages aloud to the congregation as part of our worship.  We welcome children, youth, and adults to join this important ministry of sharing sacred texts with the congregation.

Leaders of the Prayers: We pray each week in thanksgiving and intercession for each other and for the world, following the guidance of the Leaders of the Prayers.

Chalice Bearers serve the consecrated wine at Communion.

Assisting Ministers lead the procession, assist at the altar, and help with the distribution of communion.

Acolytes Children in 4th grade and above are invited to learn both about and how to Acolyte. This is an important leadership role vital to the worship service. Acolytes light candles, lead processions, and assist at the altar.

Contact Mary Senn, our Minister of Ceremonies, to volunteer for any of the above ministries.

Ushers are the first people greeting worshipers as they enter church on Sunday mornings.  They offer service bulletins, collect the congregation’s offerings, and bring gifts to the altar.  Ushers are ready to assist people with questions or those who need any assistance. We invite children, youth, and adults to serve in this important ministry of welcome. Please contact Terry Haight to learn more about this ministry.

Altar Guild members prepare for the sacred feast we share every week. The Guild works in teams that rotate throughout the year. Members prepare the sanctuary for worship and then set up for the week to come. St. A’s Guilders include a lively, loving, good-humored group of people who are deeply committed to one another and to the church.  Please contact Edie Stewart, Kristin Anderson or Robin Bourne-Caris to learn more about this ministry.